Agentlik haqida

The Agency for Specialized Educational Institutions (ASEI) is a state institution under the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

ASEI focuses on creating and expanding specialized educational institutions. A presidential decree has led to the establishment of specialized boarding schools and schools with in-depth subject studies within this agency's system. These institutions are designed to foster talent in various academic fields, particularly in the exact and natural sciences, by providing education to students who excel in these areas. The admission to these schools is based on entrance examinations or outstanding performance in recognized Olympiads. Additionally, the Agency emphasizes the in-depth teaching of Uzbekistan's history and offers advanced courses in cutting-edge fields like artificial intelligence and biotechnology. Employment of teaching and managerial staff in these schools is highly competitive, ensuring a high standard of education.
The educational reforms in Uzbekistan have established a comprehensive system encompassing all levels of education, from preschool to postgraduate, integrating vocational training with general education. This model emphasizes the development of professional skills alongside academic knowledge, aiming to align with labor market demands and international standards. The reforms include a focus on science and technology, continuous education, and integration of education with production and research, aiming to cultivate a skilled workforce and promote sustainable development.

Presidential schools established

In alignment with Presidential Decree PP-4199 dated February 20, 2019, our country is set to embark on an educational transformation through the establishment of 14 Presidential Schools.


The agency was established

The Agency for the Development of Presidential, Creative, and Specialized Schools was established under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

14 Presidential schools, 9 creativity schools, 3 specialized schools named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Mirzo Ulugbek and Abu Ali ibn Sino were placed under the administrative jurisdiction of the Agency.


New Uzbekistan University was established in 2021

By the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the "New Uzbekistan" University was established in the capital city, Tashkent.

The university's mission is to prepare highly skilled professionals with modern and advanced expertise, who are competitive at an international level.


Network of Educational Institutions reached 208 in 2023

By 2023, the Agency owns and operates a total of 208 educational institutions, comprising 14 Presidential Schools, 9 Creativity Schools, and 182 Specialized Schools. This extensive network reflects the Agency's significant commitment to enhancing education across various disciplines and nurturing the talents of young individuals in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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